Thursday, 21 June 2012

Map of planting Spring 2012

This is a layout to show what we have planted this spring. We are grateful to funding we received from The Amwell Society and to Greenspace who held money from filming in Wilmington Square which has enabled us to buy most of the plants.

Gardening 16th June - planting Iberis Snowflake

We planted out the Iberis Snowflake in the lavender bed having grown then on from plugs for 3 weeks. I have repotted small Gaillardia in the pots which we will put in the beds in a few weeks time. Unfortunately some people continue to walk right through the beds and these fragile young plants have been trampled already. A and I replant squashed and uprooted plants daily. Let's see what survives.

Gardening 14 June - weeding

The chickweed has loved the rains as much as everything. We weeded the lavender bed.