Sunday, 6 December 2009
bulb planting
today we planted around 600 bulbs(narcissi, wild garlic, bluebells, snowdrops and tulips in the rose beds) thanks for your help. Here are some pictures:
Old photos of Wilmington Square
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Gardening in the Square on Sunday 6th Dec, 2 - 4pm
Come and join us to plant bulbs in our flowerbed in the Square. We will meet there at 2pm this Sunday. Everyone is welcome.
Victorian flowerpots in Northampton Square
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
we have managed to read the texts on the sides of the old fountain
one side reads:
This public garden
Has been laid out and
Completed at the
sole cost of
Charles Clement Walker
of Lilleshall Old Hall
one of Her Majesty's
justices of the Peace
For the counties of
Salop and Stafford
A native of the parish of
For the free use of the
inhabitants therof For
Health, Recreation And
And in affectionate
Remembrance of His mother
Agnes Walker
Long resident In the PARISH
The other side reads:
This Garden
Was opened for the
use of the public By
Her Grace the
Duchess of Sutherland
Countess of Cromartie
July 17, 1885
FT article
this is a very interesting article about a lady in San francisco who decided to brighten up her grey neighbourhood by ripping up the pavement and planting a garden
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Friday, 6 November 2009
Improving Wilmington Square Gardens - Suggestions?
There is a good chance that Islington Greenspace will invest money into improvements in Wilmington Square Gardens this winter. There are already a few things which have been suggested: a water butt; fixing the water fountain; mending the hut; creating a woodland flower bed for local residents to garden; choosing wildlife friendly plants to encourage bees, butterflies and birds. If you have suggestions then let us know. What do you most love or find disappointing about the Square? We look forward to hearing from you.
Wilmington Square: Bird feeder altered
The holes in the bird feeder in Wilmington Square have been enlarged (thanks Chris) and new feed put in. This happened a week or so ago but no sign of birds using it yet. Still hopeful.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Wilmington Square Gardening: planted green mulch
Islington Greenspace have confirmed that local residents have permission to take over the SW flower bed. On Saturday we turned the soil, mixing in fallen leaves and then planted green mulch.
Spa Fields: spotted a fox
Last Thursday morning I spotted a fox in Spa Fields around 8.30am.
BH kindly looked after the bird feeder during the summer and I have taken over again. They are chomping through the food and I refilled it again today.
BH kindly looked after the bird feeder during the summer and I have taken over again. They are chomping through the food and I refilled it again today.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Suggestions for planting plan
This is a list of the plants we are considering for the woodland patch we are going to take on in the SW flower bed in Wilmington Square Gardens. If you have any comments or further suggestions then please let us know.
Flowering plants/Perrenials:
- Cyclamen coum (Grow in gritty, well-drained soil that dries out in summer ... Plant tubers in autumn)
- Stinking Hellebore/Helleborus foetidus (Best on dry or damp, neutral to alkaline soils and planted among snowdrops)
- Blue Poppy/Meconopsis cambrica (A noted self-seeder, is ideal for naturalizing in a wild or woodland garden in sun or shade, tolerating chalky soil)
- Lesser Periwinkle/Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata': pretty vegetation and purple flowers
- Red Lungwort/Pulmonaria Rubra: clumpy herbateous perrenial with red flowers late winter to spring
- Dusty Foxglove/Digitalis obscura (tolerates most soils, preferably in partial shade)
- Common Foxglove/Digitales purpurea (More tolerant of dry conditions)
- Strawberry foxgloves/Digitalis x mertonensis - beautiful shape with more height than my other suggestions also a good wildlife option
Ground Cover:
- Pachyphragma macrophyllum (Good as ground cover beneath trees or
shrubs, or at the front of a shady border. It tolerates dry shade)
- Golden Creeping Jenny/Lysimachia nummularia: ground cover with pretty yellow flowers
- Bluebells/Hyacinthoides non-scripta (English),
- Sicilian Honey Garlic/Nectaroscordum Siculum - The only wild garlic which tolerates shade.
- Narcissus 'Quail' - a vigourous yellow Daffodil.
- Common Dog Violet/Viola riviniana - very pretty purple flowers spring/summer and a classical choice
- Common Snow Drop/Galanthus nivalis
Grasses & Ferns:
- Alpine wood fern/Dryopteris wallichiana: this would give the garden some bulk
- Sedge Silver Sceptre/Carex 'Silver sceptre': a grass which could give the garden some structure when the bulbs are low.
Rose beds:
- English Lavender (for underplanting)
Flowering plants/Perrenials:
- Cyclamen coum (Grow in gritty, well-drained soil that dries out in summer ... Plant tubers in autumn)
- Stinking Hellebore/Helleborus foetidus (Best on dry or damp, neutral to alkaline soils and planted among snowdrops)
- Blue Poppy/Meconopsis cambrica (A noted self-seeder, is ideal for naturalizing in a wild or woodland garden in sun or shade, tolerating chalky soil)
- Lesser Periwinkle/Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata': pretty vegetation and purple flowers
- Red Lungwort/Pulmonaria Rubra: clumpy herbateous perrenial with red flowers late winter to spring
- Dusty Foxglove/Digitalis obscura (tolerates most soils, preferably in partial shade)
- Common Foxglove/Digitales purpurea (More tolerant of dry conditions)
- Strawberry foxgloves/Digitalis x mertonensis - beautiful shape with more height than my other suggestions also a good wildlife option
Ground Cover:
- Pachyphragma macrophyllum (Good as ground cover beneath trees or
shrubs, or at the front of a shady border. It tolerates dry shade)
- Golden Creeping Jenny/Lysimachia nummularia: ground cover with pretty yellow flowers
- Bluebells/Hyacinthoides non-scripta (English),
- Sicilian Honey Garlic/Nectaroscordum Siculum - The only wild garlic which tolerates shade.
- Narcissus 'Quail' - a vigourous yellow Daffodil.
- Common Dog Violet/Viola riviniana - very pretty purple flowers spring/summer and a classical choice
- Common Snow Drop/Galanthus nivalis
Grasses & Ferns:
- Alpine wood fern/Dryopteris wallichiana: this would give the garden some bulk
- Sedge Silver Sceptre/Carex 'Silver sceptre': a grass which could give the garden some structure when the bulbs are low.
Rose beds:
- English Lavender (for underplanting)
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Notes from the Wilmington Square gardening meeting 23rd Sept '09
The park is meant to exclude dogs. Chris noted that the signs are not visible enough to enforce this and will get new signs (welded if necessary) near both the gate and the unofficial entrance on the west side.
Park Tracker Scheme
The system has changed for monitoring the maintenance for the Square. This will mean less frequent checks. We can volunteer to monitor the Square and give feedback to the subcontractors. Chris will get the paperwork so that we can sign up. We have agreed to check the Square once a month on a rotation.
The dead cherry tree has been chopped down. The remaining stump can be used as a bug house and needs to have holes drilled in it. The remaining trunk has been placed in the NW corner to designate a space for composting (see below).
There is a further cherry tree which is struggling.
Chris said that the Council will not cut down healthy trees so it is a waste of time to ask for the conifers to be felled.
Woodland planting
The gardening group is going to take on the oval flower bed in the South Western part of the Square. There is some money for Winter gardening available in Islington. Chris will find out the deadline for applications and encouraged us to get going asap. We need to make a planting plan based on woodland plants: identifying suitable plants and costs. We intend to find 5 plants each which could be suitable ie. the plants like/tolerate: poor soil, shade, are hardy and email suggestions to everyone. A will measure the flower bed so we can calculate quantities. We also discussed planting lavender around the roses. Chris agreed that this was a good idea but costly. He suggested that we start by planting lavender in the 5 small rose beds near the central hut. This will be included in the planting plan application. We need to put up a sign to let people know what we are trying to do with this patch.
Compost is available from the composting programme for North London. If we order in bulk then it may be delivered on a week day and will need to be moved inside the Square immediately. We agreed it could be easier to dump the compost into the little glade in the North West corner through the unofficial entrance.
Chris suggested that it was difficult to give complicated instructions to the gangs of subcontractor gardeners when they are contrary to overall policy. There is a new company and they may leave some leaves behind around the perimeter. We could also collect some leaves and mix them in with the compost in the NW corner.
The park is meant to exclude dogs. Chris noted that the signs are not visible enough to enforce this and will get new signs (welded if necessary) near both the gate and the unofficial entrance on the west side.
Park Tracker Scheme
The system has changed for monitoring the maintenance for the Square. This will mean less frequent checks. We can volunteer to monitor the Square and give feedback to the subcontractors. Chris will get the paperwork so that we can sign up. We have agreed to check the Square once a month on a rotation.
The dead cherry tree has been chopped down. The remaining stump can be used as a bug house and needs to have holes drilled in it. The remaining trunk has been placed in the NW corner to designate a space for composting (see below).
There is a further cherry tree which is struggling.
Chris said that the Council will not cut down healthy trees so it is a waste of time to ask for the conifers to be felled.
Woodland planting
The gardening group is going to take on the oval flower bed in the South Western part of the Square. There is some money for Winter gardening available in Islington. Chris will find out the deadline for applications and encouraged us to get going asap. We need to make a planting plan based on woodland plants: identifying suitable plants and costs. We intend to find 5 plants each which could be suitable ie. the plants like/tolerate: poor soil, shade, are hardy and email suggestions to everyone. A will measure the flower bed so we can calculate quantities. We also discussed planting lavender around the roses. Chris agreed that this was a good idea but costly. He suggested that we start by planting lavender in the 5 small rose beds near the central hut. This will be included in the planting plan application. We need to put up a sign to let people know what we are trying to do with this patch.
Compost is available from the composting programme for North London. If we order in bulk then it may be delivered on a week day and will need to be moved inside the Square immediately. We agreed it could be easier to dump the compost into the little glade in the North West corner through the unofficial entrance.
Chris suggested that it was difficult to give complicated instructions to the gangs of subcontractor gardeners when they are contrary to overall policy. There is a new company and they may leave some leaves behind around the perimeter. We could also collect some leaves and mix them in with the compost in the NW corner.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Next WS Gardening Group Meeting 6pm, 23rd Sept
We will be meeting in the Square at 6pm on Wednesday 23rd September to talk about gardening plans for the Square. Everyone interested is very welcome.
Notes from the Gardening Group meeting 21/07/09
(Sorry I have been slow in posting these)
Notes from the Wilmington Square Gardening Meeting Notes - 21/07/09
We would like to set up a meeting with Chris I and Dave B
from Islington Greenspace in late September to discuss the following
points. All of us need clarity about our goals, and communication is
important so that any efforts we make to work on the square are negotiated
and understood by Greenspace and the subcontractors.
Before this there will be a further meeting of the gardening group in
early September in the Square to discuss ideas in situ - we will
circulate the date so anyone else is welcome to join in.
- General Aim.
The central idea is to make the garden healthier and more wildlife
friendly, using sustainable and natural processes where possible. A
longer term aim is to plant sustainable perennials to replace some of
the annual bedding.
- Mulch.
The area just within the fencing is hard clay soil, depleted of
nutrients because the leaves have been consistently removed. The
fallen leaves should be left in place. The soil needs rotating.
- Compost.
Can Greenspace deliver some compost to the Square from the North
London composting project? This could also be used to add nutrients to
the border areas.
- Trees.
a. The two conifers in the Southern patch should be removed. This
should be done as soon as possible because they grow fast; are thirsty
and suck nutrients from that section of the garden; create too much
shade and acidic soil which prevent other plants from growing.
b. The dead cherry tree in the Southern patch should be replaced. The
cherry tree which is missing from the Eastern patch should be
replanted. This will bring back the intended balance to these spaces.
c. The ailanthus saplings along the easter border should be uprooted
and removed. They are invasive and continue to spawn unless removed
completely. It will not be possible to plant more appropriate native
plants in this area until the saplings are removed.
- Dead wood.
The dead cherry tree logs should be kept and a further dead wood pile
could be created.
- Roses & Lavender.
The roses in the central bed could be underplanted with lavender. This
would create a fuller looking flower bed, would provide attractive
flowers for bees and counteract the aphids which like the roses.
- Hut & Water.
The gutter on the hut needs to be fixed. We would like a water butt to
collect rainwater from the Hut roof. This will provide a source of
sustainable water within the garden to feed young plants.
- Community gardening.
We would like to start actively gardening a section of the garden. We
will arrange some days when we will encourage neighbours to come and
join in. We propose to fence off along the temporary pathway on the NW
corner and to work on the section up to the concrete steps on the
Northern side. We could use a similar system to the wild flower
planting in Spa Fields where a section was fenced off with information
attached about the aims and timeframe.
- Bird Feeder.
The bird feeder has not been used by the birds yet. We would like to
expand the holes further to see if easier access could persuade the
birds to enter.
Notes from the Wilmington Square Gardening Meeting Notes - 21/07/09
We would like to set up a meeting with Chris I and Dave B
from Islington Greenspace in late September to discuss the following
points. All of us need clarity about our goals, and communication is
important so that any efforts we make to work on the square are negotiated
and understood by Greenspace and the subcontractors.
Before this there will be a further meeting of the gardening group in
early September in the Square to discuss ideas in situ - we will
circulate the date so anyone else is welcome to join in.
- General Aim.
The central idea is to make the garden healthier and more wildlife
friendly, using sustainable and natural processes where possible. A
longer term aim is to plant sustainable perennials to replace some of
the annual bedding.
- Mulch.
The area just within the fencing is hard clay soil, depleted of
nutrients because the leaves have been consistently removed. The
fallen leaves should be left in place. The soil needs rotating.
- Compost.
Can Greenspace deliver some compost to the Square from the North
London composting project? This could also be used to add nutrients to
the border areas.
- Trees.
a. The two conifers in the Southern patch should be removed. This
should be done as soon as possible because they grow fast; are thirsty
and suck nutrients from that section of the garden; create too much
shade and acidic soil which prevent other plants from growing.
b. The dead cherry tree in the Southern patch should be replaced. The
cherry tree which is missing from the Eastern patch should be
replanted. This will bring back the intended balance to these spaces.
c. The ailanthus saplings along the easter border should be uprooted
and removed. They are invasive and continue to spawn unless removed
completely. It will not be possible to plant more appropriate native
plants in this area until the saplings are removed.
- Dead wood.
The dead cherry tree logs should be kept and a further dead wood pile
could be created.
- Roses & Lavender.
The roses in the central bed could be underplanted with lavender. This
would create a fuller looking flower bed, would provide attractive
flowers for bees and counteract the aphids which like the roses.
- Hut & Water.
The gutter on the hut needs to be fixed. We would like a water butt to
collect rainwater from the Hut roof. This will provide a source of
sustainable water within the garden to feed young plants.
- Community gardening.
We would like to start actively gardening a section of the garden. We
will arrange some days when we will encourage neighbours to come and
join in. We propose to fence off along the temporary pathway on the NW
corner and to work on the section up to the concrete steps on the
Northern side. We could use a similar system to the wild flower
planting in Spa Fields where a section was fenced off with information
attached about the aims and timeframe.
- Bird Feeder.
The bird feeder has not been used by the birds yet. We would like to
expand the holes further to see if easier access could persuade the
birds to enter.
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Back garden No. 7 - EEK
Yesterday to my surprise I saw a mouse climbing along the branch and then down on to the squirrel proof bird feeder in our garden. When I opened the door it scampered away back along the branch and over the nearby wall. Time to reposition the bird feeder.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Autumn planting plans for Wilmington Square?
We would like to discuss with neighbours ideas about planting more sustainable, wild life friendly plants in Wilmington Square. At present colourful annuals are planted and then ripped out and disposed of several times a year. It could be more beautiful and better for the bugs and bees if we planted a thoughtful mix of native perennials. May be this could be mixed with a colourful border of annuals? It would be great to hear from anyone who is interested in gardening and enjoys Wilmington Square to gather input and views on this idea so that hopefully we can come up with an Autumn planting plan.
Spa Fields - Refilled bird feeder (twice)
I refilled the Spa fields bird feeder on 31st and again this morning. The Wilmington Square feeder remains untouched. The first patch of wild flowers which was planted next to the Spa Fields' feeder has grown beautifully and there is a wild mix of yellow and dashes of red.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Spa Fields - Refilled bird feeder - keeping records
I filled the bird feeder again yesterday. This is a way for me to keep a log. Sorry for the repetitive posts but it is really good to see the feed being consumed so fast.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Spa Fields - Refilled bird feeder
Refilled the feeder a couple of days ago and it is already 3/4 empty. Hung a new coconut bird cake too.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
RSPB Census - Back garden No. 7
The count was done this morning from 9.05 - 10.05am. Nice warm sunny morning.
5 Great Tits (including 3 juveniles)
1 Woodpigeon
and 1 bee
5 Great Tits (including 3 juveniles)
1 Woodpigeon
and 1 bee
RSPB Census - Spa Fields
I counted birds yesterday in Spa Fields (Saturday 13th) from 5.15 - 6.15pm. The results:
4 Rock Doves
3 House Sparrows
1 Blue Tit
1 Great Tit
1 Blackbird
2 Swift (overhead)
2 Crows
and 25+ bees enjoying the lavender.
4 Rock Doves
3 House Sparrows
1 Blue Tit
1 Great Tit
1 Blackbird
2 Swift (overhead)
2 Crows
and 25+ bees enjoying the lavender.
RSPB Census - Wilmington Square
We have done a RSPB census on the birds in the square. We conducted the survey between 11:15 and 12:15 on saturday 13th of june 2009. We hope we can compare this to later years and we are very happy with the results, including three dunnocks!
here are the results:
4 Great Tits,
3 Dunnocks,
1 Wood pigeon,
1 Blackbird
1 Jackdaw
and 9 Rock Doves.
here are the results:
4 Great Tits,
3 Dunnocks,
1 Wood pigeon,
1 Blackbird
1 Jackdaw
and 9 Rock Doves.
Friday, 12 June 2009
Spa Fields - Refilled bird feeder
The birds are chomping through the seed at present. I refilled the feeder again yesterday and found a couple of sparrows eating there this morning
Friday, 5 June 2009
Spa Fields - Refilled bird feeder
I refilled the bird feeder in Spa fields and found two blue tits in the cage eating the fat ball.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Back garden No. 18-21 - baby woodpecker
This is a report from 28th May 'On looking out of my kitchen window at about 17.30 this afternoon because of assorted squawkings, I discovered a baby woodpecker being fed by its mother. It was clinging to corner bricks of the stairwell, just level with my window, so I could see quite clearly.'
Back garden No. 7 - six great tits feeding
There were six great tits including juveniles feeding at the coconut bird cake and feeder this morning.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Spa Fields - Refilled bird feeder
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Bank mole in Wilmington Square
Monday, 11 May 2009
Bug Pit
Thanks to all who helped building the bug pit in the square and specifically to Chris from Islington Greenspace for supporting the project. And those who supplied bulbs or food or lent us equipment.
In a brief description things went like this.
-We carried the logs to the site.
-Chris loosened the soil with an mattock.
-We dug the hole with shovels so we could fit the wood in.
-The vertical wood was inserted.
-That was tied with blue rope below the earth-line.
-More wood was put in.
-That was tied with more blue rope.
-Holes were drilled in the logs.
-Everyone had cakes and lemonade.
Here are some pictures
Saturday, 9 May 2009
Remember, today we are building the log pit in wilmington square, if you want to come to help then you are welcome.
It starts at two and there will be cakes and drinks by four o'clock.
It starts at two and there will be cakes and drinks by four o'clock.
Friday, 8 May 2009
Wild flowers
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Clever Birds (as reported by the BBC)
Rebecca Morelle reports on recent research to suggest that birds, particularly corvids are as clever as primates. Read more in Meet the brains of the animal world.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Bird Feeder update - Great tit and Squirrel
9th May Building a deadwood pit
On the 9th of May we are building a deadwood pit in the square and would like some help. we'll start at two and there will be cakes and drinks at four. We would be really gratefull for all available help.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Back garden No. 7 - Recent visitors
Bird Feeder update
Disappointingly, the birds have been pretty disinterested in the feeder to date. There has been some suggestion that the holes in the squirrel proof mesh are too small. In case this is the reason Chris the new park ranger is going to make some larger holes. I have agreed to monitor and fill the feeder in Spa Fields. This feeder has also been a bit neglected by the birds. I have cleaned the feeders and put fresh mix in today just in case this is what is putting them off. Keep looking and let's hope that they pay more interest soon.
Why not to kill magpies
I thought that this article on One for sorrow, two for joy ... why we must protect magpies was very interesting and humane. Chris Packham defends the magpies who have historically been treated with suspicion. He recommends that people fill their bird feeders as a way to encourage little birds rather than resorting to the desperate measures the Songbird Trust are suggesting - a cull of magpies by bird lovers.
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Blue Jay sighting
I saw a blue jay hopping from tree to tree in the south of Wilmington Square yesterday.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Bird boxes
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Eric Simms obituary
The obituary in the Guardian yesterday on Eric Simms is fascinating. He was a naturalist with a specific interest in urban birds. According to the report he shifted the way people thought about urban birds by carefully watching and documenting bird life locally, specifically in Dollis Hill, rather than focusing on rare and more exotic species.
Friday, 20 March 2009
Back garden No. 7 - Peanuts are popular
I saw a blue tit, a great tit and the robin all in the garden at once today. The tits are enjoying the peanuts in the bird mix.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Pigeon Feeding
Bird of Prey overhead
Yesterday, I spotted a huge bird of prey circling high over Wilmington Square. By the time I had got binoculars it had gone. I wondered whether it could have been one of the peregrine falcons which live at Tate Modern?
Friday, 20 February 2009
Bird Feeder Installed
Today the Council and David Bamford installed a squirrel-proof bird-feeder. It is the large metal cage on the south side of the Square and cannot be breached by squirrels and pigeons. Tons of thanks to the Council for supporting it. Please don't touch it until next week as the underground concrete support needs to set. we are hoping to encourage smaller birds by providing safe seed so please tell us if you see any.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Back garden No. 7 - The robin is back
There seem to have been less small birds in our garden this winter, possibly due to the noise from construction throughout the late autumn at No. 5. However, yesterday I spotted a robin and blackbird. Today a greenfinch and great tit have been taking it in turns to eat the new bird cake made by OKE from the RSPB's make a speedy bird cake recipe.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
4 Magpies
Four Magpies were chased off by two crows, in the large Plane trees on the South of the Square. Sunday around noon.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Snow in the park
Monday, 2 February 2009
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Census for RSPB - Results
These are the results of BH and OK's bird census coinciding with the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch. It was a grey and drizzly weekend.
24th Jan 2009, 3.45 - 4.45pm
Wilmington Square
Black birds 3
Blue Tits 1
Carrion Crows 2
Rock Doves 38
Starlings 1
Wood Pigeons 9
25th Jan, 11.20 - 12.20pm
Back Garden, 18 - 21 Wilmington Square
Blackbird 2
Blue Tit 1
Chaffinch 2
Robin 1
Starling 2
Wood Pigeon 2
and 1.05 - 2.05pm
Blackbird 2
Chaffinch 1
Robin 1
1st bird census
Last Weekend, 24th - 25th January, was the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch . OK and BH charted the number and variety of birds in Wilmington Square and in the Garden backing the houses on the East side of the Square. The statistics from the Census will follow shortly.
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